
Friday, October 7, 2011

Episode Two: IGS Research Skills Seminar

“IGS Research Skills seminar provides opportunities for research students to develop essential skills that will be of value in completing their research in a timely manner. The seminars are conducted systematically by offering relevant modules. These modules are COMPULSORY for all new registered research students. Certificate of attendance will be given to those who complete all modules. Only students with this certificate will be allowed to proceed to Defence of Proposal”
-Institute of Graduate Studies-
Keyword: COMPULSORY. The word is scary loud enough to call the corresponding students to appear in the seminar. Well, of course if we fail to attend the seminar, we won’t get to the next stage of our research progress. But, hey, we got some good friends around, right? They can sign the attendance for us, correct? The problem is settled then. 

Well, it’s a bad habit actually. Don’t do it, at least not regularly. Just attend the seminar and you might learn something new, get to know new people, and see new places. I met Babak Rashtian a.k.a Mankind, and I don't have any idea who he was. Also, UiTM Puncak Alam is quite new to me. I’ve been there once before. This would be my second time to reach the campus and my friends help me to get there. 

The seminar was a four-days event, morning until evening. The seminar targeted research students, mostly PhD pursuer. The seminar constitutes of 8 modules. If we miss a module, we need to repeat the module later. Generally, the modules revolve around on the basic technique to tackle our research.  All the speeches were delivered by dedicated UiTM’s lecturers. I'm proud to see that most of the speakers came from my faculty (Electrical Engineering). The participants came from various faculty. We are separated into two categories; the "Science and Technology", and the "Social Science".

Bored and sleepy. This is my seventh year in the university. Every semester is full of seminars, talks and modules. My brain is already fucked up with all these. Why can't we have a single day seminar, with speaker from the Raja Lawak ASTRO? Seminar should be more fun these days. I bet most of the participants agreed with me. So, my friend and I reached to a concrete CONCLUSION; we need to escape these brain squashing pandemic. Well, we signed all the attendance slots, illegaly.

Quit chit chat chattering. I’ve uploaded several pictures to give a clear idea of our brilliant CONCLUSION…

I've told you before, my life is getting cooler and cooler each day. Anyone cooler than me around here?


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